Our Supporters

A4L is proud to partner with these local and national entities to bring the arts to children across South Florida.


Foundations & Corporations


Fernando Amaro
Diane Ashley
Ivonne Barroso
Carlos Becerra
Martin Bejerano
Chad Bernstein
Erika Bieberach
Candace Binns
Vanessa Burns
Natalie Calvi
Sherray Cato
Daphne Conner
Greg DeChurch
Jono De Leon
Jennifer Difiglia
Janet Evans

Wilma Felder
John & Angela Flickinger
Danielle Forsythe
Jane Gilbert
Brendan Glynn
Greg Glynn
Sammy Gonzalez
Cecilia Gutierrez
Tatiana Haro
Christian Harrison
Katherine Harrison
Nancy Hector
Martin Jaundoo
Michael Juenger
Anna Klimala
Yamel Lattuf
Rebekah Lengel

Melissa Lesniak
Daniel Lewis
Rebecca Fishman Lipsey
Susan K Maguire
Dolores Mendoza
Gene Mergelmeyer
Adrienne Messing
Martin Norcini
Andriana Oliva
Milena Palenzuela
Patricia Reams
Laurette J Robertson
Joan Sanz
Karen Schnell-Chisholm
Linda Schwartz
Yenisleidy Simon
Shalini Singh

Robert Stein
Joanie Stein
Chrystian Tejedor
Juan & Clara Toro
Amelia Toural
Oscar Vega
Tom Virgin
Lorraine Vuelta
Derek Wallace
Ruth Wiesen
Martha Wilson
Pauline Winick
Elizabeth Wyroba
Barbara Young

The Sacha Fund

Shari Abramowitz
Jody Abramson
Joan Allen & Sadie Friedman
Evan Anthony
Robert Bader
Maryanne Barry
Aileen-Marie Barry
Gary Belsky
Todd Berliner
Karen Berman
Nancy Bernhard
Denise Brecher
Barbara & Erwin Brilliant
Nancy and Larry Brown
Paula Brown
Terry Christie
Kevin Corcoran
Jeanne Cunningham
Niki Cunningham
Ellyn D’Onofrio
Janis Dardick
Lenore Davis
Debbie De Luca Sheh
Pablo De Ritis
Siobhan Dolan
Margo Drucker
Heidi Ewing
Teri & Mark Fellman
Allison Fox
Jessie Frank
Marnie & Adam Frank
Lisa Freeman
Daisy Friedman
Linda Gardner
David & Myra Garlick

Martín Gil del Real
Deirdre & Philip Gittelman
Lynn Goldner
Barak Goodman
David, Brooks, Amie, Fisher Gregory
Ginger Grogan
Richard Hankin
Lisa Hill
Liz & David Hinden
Muna Hishmeh
Therese Hoarty
Elaine Hochberg
Una Jackman
Kelley Jackson
Kendall Jackson
Michelle Jacoby
Christopher Johannet
Jonathan Kalman
Twyla Kantor
Emma Rose Kantor
Anita & Martin Kantor
Michael Kantor
David Kantor
Morgan Katona
Leslie Kautz
Eilis Klein
Daniel Klein
Jon, Julie, Jamie & Jodie Landau
Anika Larsen
Norman Lear
Sharyn & Jonathan Lewis
Regina Lian Lulo
Felicia Lipson
Cristiana Lombardo

Suzanne & Stephen Macht
Jesse Macht
Julie Macht
Tobé Malawista
Susan Margolin
K Shylon Martin
Diane Masciale
Emily Meisner
Kathy Mele
Jason Miller
Brent Miller
Kimber Smith & Jeff Miller
Harriet Miller
Heidi & Jon Monkarsh
Brenda Murad
Keith Nicholson
Michele & Colm O’Mara
Marisa Onorato
Joan Pachner
Brian Pass
Sabrina Peck
The Pizer/Weinstein Family
Diana Podolsky
Karen Pritzker
Isabella Puig
Mary Rabb
Daniel Rayner
James Redford
Sarah Reines
Susan & Mark Romney
Sally Rosenthal
Andrea Rosenthal
Jeff & Marcia Ross / Kaufman

Jayme Roy
Julie Sacks
Sarah Reines
Steve Sauer
Kevin & Lola Seaman
Charlene Shapiro
Neal Shapiro
Hallie Shepps
Nina and Rudd Simmons
Joseph Skinner
Margaret Smilow
Adam Smith
Anna Sobkowska
Peter Stein
Michael Steinberg
Alana Steinberg
Tracy Straus
Anne Symmes
Steven Tenzer
Karen Thomsen
Johanna Thomsen
Ginger Tougas
Robert & Fran Tropp
Junko Tsunashima
Ilia Velez
Daniel Vlock
Noland Walker
Deborah Wallach
Ellen Weinstein
Linda Weinstein
Ellen & Eric Weinstein/John
Cathy Weisblum
John Wick
Margaret Wreen

Program Partners

young audiences arts for learning logo
south florida wolf trap -- institute for early learning through the arts logo
south florida wolf trap -- institute for early learning through the arts logo


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