Part-Time Dancer, Full-Time Success
A two-year participant in the ArtWorks Summer Internship program, Kimeisha Robinson feels she is ready to begin building a career for herself.
Twice hired as an Arts for Learning ArtWorks Intern, Kimeisha worked as part of the Dance internship during 2012 and 2013 summers, before her junior and senior years at Miami Northwestern Senior High School. Under the guidance of A4L Teaching Artist Alejandro Bahia, Kimeisha and her fellow interns spent five days a week, for six weeks working not only to perfect their technique, but also to learn to be professionals.
Interns like Kimeisha participate in career readiness workshops that include, but are not limited to interview and networking skills, resume development, financial literacy and public speaking. Having practiced and gained confidence in these areas gave Kimeisha peace of mind during her senior year. While many of her classmates were learning the ins and outs of a workplace environment, Kimeisha felt she had the upper hand.
“A4L was very helpful coming into my senior year of high school. Things that my peers did not know, like how to present yourself in an interview or complete a resume, I did because Arts for Learning prepared us over the summer. I had a head start… I also learned to network and communicate with all kinds of people.”
Though Kimeisha plans to pursue a degree in psychology, her dance experience is something she’ll carry with her fondly.
“As an artist, A4L helped me to come out of my shell and yearn to experience new things, even things I was afraid of.”
Kimeisha graduated from Miami Northwestern Senior High School in 2014, but before moving on to attend Florida A&M University, she will spend one more summer with ArtWorks, this time as an Assistant Teaching Assistant. She is very excited to share her ArtWorks experience with a new group of dance interns.