National Affiliations
A4L Miami is affiliated with the national Young Audiences Arts for Learning network. Founded in 1952, the mission of Young Audiences Arts for Learning is to inspire young people and expand their learning through the arts. Our network is made up of local affiliated nonprofits that collectively impact over 5 million young people each year. The national Young Audiences Arts for Learning network works collaboratively to advance arts in education through advocacy, communications, fundraising, program development, professional learning, and other support. To explore our national network, click here.
Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts is the flagship education program of Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts. A nationally recognized leader in early childhood arts-based learning, Wolf Trap Institute trains early childhood educators to use the performing arts as a teaching strategy to engage children in active learning across curricula. Working through a wide network of partners and affiliates, Wolf Trap Institute reaches 75,000 students, teachers, parents and caregivers each year. Arts for Learning is proud to be South Florida Wolf Trap, one of 20 Wolf Trap Institute affiliates across the country and around the world. Arts for Learning is proud to be the South Florida Wolf Trap.