The Lewis Arts Studio – Middle School Program
The Lewis Arts Studio (LAS) is a creative haven for middle school students who are interested in the visual arts. It is a place where talent and friendships flourish; where curiosity and commitment is required; where portfolios are developed, but more importantly, where essential life skills are nurtured and practiced. Skills in teamwork, communication, critical thinking, problem solving and flexibility emerge as students become more sophisticated in their artistic craft and thinking.
The Lewis Arts Studio’s professional teaching artists help participants to develop their technical and conceptual art skills. Participants also benefit from enriching arts experiences such as guest speakers, cultural excursions, and exhibitions.
The Lewis Arts Studio is a year-round and multi-year program consisting of a summer intensive followed by bi-monthly Saturday sessions throughout the school year. Students may choose to remain in the program for more than one year.
Summer 4-Week Intensive
Includes instruction in visual arts skills and techniques with a focus on portfolio development, field trips to art galleries/collections and cultural destinations, guest artists and speakers, and a culminating student showcase.
School Year Bi-Monthly Saturday Sessions
Include continued instruction in visual arts skills and techniques with a focus on portfolio development; field trips, guest speakers and an informal student showcase. Support for application to arts magnet schools is provided to students who are interested.
Summer 2024 Schedule
July 1 – July 29, 2024
*No session on July 4th
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Lewis Arts Studio
101 Grand Avenue
Coral Gables, FL 33133
Interviews for Students & Parents/Guardians
Arts for Learning staff will contact applicants to schedule a 15-minute interview with the student and parent/guardian. These interviews are nothing to be nervous about. This is a moment to get to know the student, ensure the the family understands the parameters of the program, and answer any questions the family may have as we learn more about why the student wants to be part of the studio.
The Lewis Arts Studio is a FREE program.
The program seeks to provide quality arts programming for families who otherwise might not be able to afford programming. Students from households with a combined annual income of $75,000 or less will be granted priority admission. However, families with a combined annual income over $75,000 may apply and also attend at no cost pending space and a successful interview.
The Lewis Arts Studio is made possible through the generous support of the Jonathan D + Mark C. Lewis Foundation.
Application Requirements
The application process is easy!
Follow these steps:
1. Complete Student & Parent Information
2. Complete Student Demographic Information
3. Upload three samples of observational drawings done by the student, specifically:
a. A self-portrait (from observation, using a mirror)
b. A drawing of a hand
c. A drawing of an object of your choice (i.e. shoe, plant, building, etc.)
Use pencil on 8.5” x 11” white paper.
Label each drawing with your full name.
4. Upload proof of household income. Attach the household’s most recent tax return with the social security number blacked out. We only really need the first two pages of the tax return.
5. Complete the Student Statement of Commitment
6. Complete the Parent Statement of Commitment
After the initial application is received, click here to download the LAS Application Recommendation Letter form for a teacher or counselor to fill out. You will then return this form to us and your application will be complete!
After we review the application, both the student and at least one Parent/Guardian must attend a scheduled finalist interview. The interviews are brief and friendly, not any anything your child should worry about!
All of the above are used to determine placement in the program.
Summer 2024 Application Deadline: May 3, 2024 at 4 PM.
School year program applications accepted year-round.